UPDATED 09/21/17
Despite the fact that BPSHI has been conducting health screenings using the same model since 2011, and that the organization has only grown since then to encompass and serve many other areas within California and beyond, there has never been an attempt to organize our assembled data in a form that helps us profile and better understand the Sikh Punjabi community that we have spent so much time working with. Additionally, there are no resources available online regarding the state of health in the Sikh Punjabi diaspora community here in California, so we sought to create an expository report on the health indicators of this community using the data we have collected. To this end, we have worked on standardizing the materials and training used by our chapters across the state so that every patient interaction and data collection opportunity produces results that are accurate and which can easily be aggregated into an electronic medical records system for further data processing.
The future goals for the project include using the results of the expository report for advocacy and to obtain public and private funding, as well as presenting the results back to the community to increase their own understanding of the issues that affect their community wellness.