We began our UC Berkeley chapter just 6 years ago with a meager 10 volunteers, but as our presence on campus has grown, so has our number of volunteers — we currently have 40+ active volunteers on campus, and numerous more alumni who continue to provide their support and guidance! With every new volunteer and member brings a fresh new perspective and eagerness to serve.
Our members strive to not only provide health resources to the underrepresented population we serve, but to also go above and beyond to form meaningful connections with our sangat members. We currently serve five different Gurdwaras and are always looking for more opportunities to expand the community we serve!
Fremont Gurdwara
El Sobrante Gurdwara
Hayward Gurdwara
Santa Rosa Gurdwara
Pittsburg Gurdwara
Stay tuned for more updated information!
Our goal is to create a space and to provide tools and resources for our community partners to strengthen their outlook on health. Through our services, we hope to develop personal and meaningful connections with our sangat members, educate them on healthy diet and nutrition habits, screen for diabetes and hypertension, and address mental health stigma in our community by engaging in one-on-one conversations
We started a new Follow-Up committee that is responsible for overseeing high-risk patients’ needs during and after clinics, as well as managing the EMR system. This follow-up allows us to develop a deeper relationship with our patients beyond the BPSHI clinic setting and help them get resources such as health insurance, specialized diet advice, and other social services.
Our clinics are continuously expanding the resources we provide. This year, we added Santa Rosa to our network of gurdwaras that we serve and have conducted two health screenings with the community there. We also implemented a vision test during our Fremont clinic last semester and are looking to further expand our services by looking into dental screenings. Additionally, our Public Relations team is in connection with a local women’s clinic that we hope to host a clinic with this semester.
Our Health Ed team focused on the topic of sugar control awareness and developed a visual demonstration model that helps the sangat realize how much sugar is in their daily foods. They did this by using different size ziplock bags of sugar to represent the amount of sugar in common foods. We are planning to put this project into action at our next clinic this semester and look forward to seeing how the sangat reacts. This semester their focus will be on addressing mental health stigma in our Sikh community.
Our Public Relations team collaborated with two other organizations on campus to host a Chai Talk that facilitated a discussion around the recent election and presidential decisions. We hope to continue providing students the space to have open discussions regarding sensitive topics, especially related to the health of our community.
We are planning a Seva Night at El Sobrante gurdwara sometime this semester. The current vision is to take a group of BPSHI volunteers and members from partnering organizations to do seva at the gurdwara and help make a “healthy” langar for the night. The purpose is also to create solidarity amongst other minority groups by bringing diversity to the gurdwara.