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The Chicago Chapter of BPSHI was created just last year in the summer of 2017. While it took us a while to get started, we hit the ground running and have had three clinics in the span of just a few months.
BPSHI Chicago is composed of a small but dedicated team of volunteers including physicians, nurses, medical assistants, and of course undergraduate and graduate students. Together, we strive to increase the availability of medical care to the large but underserved Punjabi and Sikh community of Northwestern Illinois. Since we are new, our current focus is primarily healthcare screening-- simply blood pressure and blood glucose-- but we hope that as our presence grows, we can begin moving on to patient education as well. We hope that, with the help of our amazing volunteers, we can be a source of hope and knowledge for those who need it and work towards diminishing healthcare disparities in the Punjabi, Sikh community while following in the footsteps of Bhagat Puran Singh Jee!

Sikh Religious Society of Chicago, Palatine, IL
stay tuned for more updated information!

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